Blog Post

Time to Winterize Your Central Air Conditioner

Washougal Heating & Cooling • Sep 18, 2018
Fall HVAC Tips.

By following these simple steps, you can help keep your central air conditioning unit clean and in top working condition for summers to come. The best time to prep your HVAC unit is early fall, just before you close the windows and turn on the heat. Watch the weather and pick a sunny day when your outdoor air conditioner can air dry completely.

Here's a list of what's needed to winterize your HVAC unit: a garden hose, a towel, tubular foam or rubber pipe insulation, tees and elbows, and an outdoor air conditioning unit cover.

  • Remove all debris from the outdoor unit (leaves, twigs and grass clippings etc.) Use a garden hose to rinse the outdoor air conditioner, removing droppings, bugs, dirt, and dust. Then allow the HVAC unit to dry completely.

  • Turn off power to the outdoor unit by locating the electrical circuit. It usually has a plastic or metal lid. Remove the lid and flip the switch to cut power supply. This prevents the unit from turning on during a warm winter day, which keeps water out of the unit that could freeze overnight and damage your HVAC unit.

  • Install foam pipe covers around exterior exposed pipes. Cut the foam to fit the length and diameter of the pipe. The foam covers insulate the pipes and protect them against freezing temperatures. Wrap duct tape around the foam covers to hold them in place.

  • Once your unit is completely dry, cover the HVAC unit with a plastic or vinyl cover. Choose a cover that is waterproof. Some manufacturers make covers that are specifically designed for air conditioners, but you can use any plastic or vinyl covering that fits over the unit. Then wrap vinyl ropes or bungee cords around the air conditioning cover to keep it secure. Make sure the cover is wrapped tightly so it doesn't blow away with any strong winds.

Throughout the fall and winter, be sure to check the unit frequently to make sure the cover is still in place and remove any snow, ice, and debris from the top of your HVAC unit.

Call us at 360-835-3121 to schedule your appointment.

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