Blog Post

Why Is R-22 Changes Important to Every Home Owner?

Washougal Heating & Cooling • Oct 25, 2018
HVAC Tech Service Call.

R-22 or HCFCs are chemicals that are used as refrigerants in an air conditioner and heat pump units. Since 1935, R-22 was used in the low-temperature refrigeration system until recently it was discovered that the release of HCFCs exhausts the Earth's protective ozone layer which added to climate changes . As of January 1, 2015, production, import and use of all HCFCs was banned , except for continuing servicing the needs of refrigeration and on January 1, 2020 the servicing of systems with R-22 will rely on recycled or stockpiled quantities.

The phase-out period adds time to change to ozone-friendly refrigerations like R-410A. Some units are able to take both R-22 and R-410A , where one would flush out of the R-22. Unfortunately, this can enable the compressor to have issues down the road and is not recommended. Best and less costly option would be to replace the air conditioner altogether.

When buying a new air conditioner or a heat pump, there are a few important factors to consider, for example, energy efficiency, reliability, performance, cost, and the refrigerant used. Call Washougal Heating & Cooling experts to qualify you with the right system for your home or business.

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